‘Improve 1% each day’
James Clear, author of Atomic Habits, has this slogan. The idea that if we improve just 1% day after day, those gains really start stacking up. So when we think about our daily habits, any 1 decision is not terribly important. Whether you get some fast food or cook a healthy meal at home is not a big deal. But if you look back at the last 365 times that decision has come up, whether you did it 15 times or 195 times makes a huge difference!
One way to reduce and/or minimize poor decisions is the make the less desirable choice have more ‘friction points.’ [Less desirable meaning from an outcome perspective] So if you are thinking of eating some junk food, maybe relocate the junk food to a shelf in the garage. If you have a bad habit of watching tv, move the remote to the shed. Add these friction points along the way so if you give yourself more of a chance to make a good quality decision that leaves you with less regret.